w/ "Summer of Soul" Movie Screening
According to Moonalice legend, the Harlem Culture Festival of 1969 was an event with human impact when it happened, that, thanks to Questlove, resonates even more powerfully today.
Today’s poster by Alexandra Fischer depicts the monarch, Queen Questbud of Moonalice, whose queendom celebrates respect for all, acceptance of all, and diversity in all its forms. These are the values of the Moonalice tribe. Queen Questbud embraces all colors, from Blue Dream to Green Crack to Purple Trainwreck, and all types, including keef, hash, and flower. We encourage you to do the same.
Next we will have present the Oscar winning documentary, Summer of Soul. Lester’s band, The Chambers Brothers, appears twice, at the beginning and at the very end. Enjoy!
Jason Crosby played keyboards